



Illustration, Brand Design, Art Direction


Able Parris - Brand Design Director

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Illustration, Brand Design, Environmental, Art Direction

Originally tapped for special events and employee swag programs, I spent the better half of a year on Noom’s internal Brand Design team working on a range of projects spanning illustration and animation to environmental design for special events and Noom HQ in NYC.

2021 Leadership Summit

One of my first projects at Noom was to design the identity for their annual Leadership Summit and oversee the rollout across print, merch, and environmental with outside agencies.

Under the direction of Able Parris and VP of Creative Zaid Al-Asady, we landed on a farmers market theme that influenced everything at the event from stage design to the employee swag.

Once the identity and illustrations were wrapped internally, I developed a set of Brand Guidelines to aid outside agencies in the production of merchandise, stage designs, and printed materials.

Employee Swag

Apparel basics for the company’s 2021 rebrand. For this project I helped guide decoration styles, select garments, and design decorations for each garment. The collection included custom dyed tees, puff print hits, along with custom trim and size tags.

Social Illustrations

About halfway through my time with Noom, I shifted gears from focusing on employee swag to helping develop content for social channels.

Over the course of a few weeks we played with animations, posters, backgrounds and mock products to help drive engagement.

Cut Paper Illustration & The Brand Book

While my illustrations were short lived in grand scheme of the social rotation, the lasting impression they had on the brand was more than I could have hoped for.

With the recent launch of Noom’s Brand Book (and under the wonderful direction of Able Parris,) cut-paper is now the official in-app illustration style for the Noom brand.